But be sure, the big houses are in no danger of disappearing. The multi-million dollar rare Matisse or Rembrandt for sale will always be the province of the traditional auction, at least for the foreseeable future. However, for the most "is the most common" antiques, the kind of things that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, the future is here and said electronic auctions.
Not online auction of your son
You know the old joke about being "not your father's Oldsmobile," but this is an online auction of your son. We know there are all kinds of new programs out there for online auctions (and we use this term to the American sense - which means something a little unpleasant, it is the British sense meaning a way of doing things).
eBay is so last year. These days, the biggest deals in online auctions are places where you pay for the right to bid and each bid increases the price by a penny and extend its offer by 15 minutes. Meaning can make an iPad for $ 22 but will spend another $ 300 for each of the 20 costs $ 15 to bid.
However, while your children to find such tender concern and almost like a game, is not it, as I said, online auction of your son. Instead, talk about real, honest to goodness auction conducted live, with a real auctioneer, a real hammer, and real antiques for sale. And if there is an iPad for sale, is there because it is part of an estate, not because they are part of a trick that the auction house said it has come to make money.
Conducted by well-respected Penny Auction Houses
While there will always fly by night, both the old auction business online and more traditional antiques auction business, most of the best known online auctions are the business for several years already and understand the needs of professional and amateur collector of antiquities.
It is able to provide as much detail about a subject, like any traditional auction house will offer and possibly give you the origin and history behind each one specific subject, if necessary. In fact, many but not all, of the antique homes that offer online auctions, or also run a traditional auction house or staffed by people who are veterans of the traditional auction scene, which can make the online auction as interesting and exciting as any traditional auction may have to drive miles to find.
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