Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Penny Auction - A Type of Online Auction

I had never heard the term "penny auction" if and as an online auction or physical auction. When I saw it in an email communication, I decided to check it out. I researched the term and found some interesting information about the origin of these auctions. It seems that they came from the United States during the Great Depression. They came about because people were losing their farms because of the inability to meet financial commitments made by lending institutions at that time.

A little history

History shows that the banks will hold auctions for the assets of farmers, who were excluded from the market. At the time of the actual auction, the neighboring farmers and friends of people who lose their properties will attend the event and will prevent legitimate offers on any property from being done. In trying to help a friend or neighbor, they used whatever means were necessary to keep the offers almost pennies. Often, farms and all assets related to that sold for under $ 5.00. That sounds pretty amazing to me ... $ 5.00 in 1932 had more purchasing power than now, but there was still much to everyone for a farmland, equipment and buildings. The banks had to accept the proceeds from the auction to pay its debt. Needless to say that banks, at the time, was not happy. They found ways around this type of illegal sale.

Penny Auctions Online Today

This type of auction are still made today but has changed significantly. First of all, it is now legal, and secondly, it is often an online auction. These online auctions can be found over the net in every country in the world. Goods posted for sale on them is quite varied. These areas tend to have a short life cycle, typically 3 to 5 years.


Although these areas are filled with malicious participants, there are legitimate ones out there and there are advantages to the purchaser for participation. As a buyer, you will get a real deal (or steal) on products, especially the high ticket; There is always the probability of detecting a rare find; Some buyers experience great joy and enthusiasm for tackling the global impact of online auctions; and then there are those buyers who simply delight in bidding activity. The best part ... can all be done with a click of the mouse of your computer from your easy chair, or office, or from the seat of an airplane or using your mobile phone from anywhere.

Online auctions can be fun and profitable for many markets. And remember, there's always a chance you'll find that special piece for a collection for which you have searched long and hard. Could this be the day you are online;

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